2022 In Review

It was a busy year for the KM Hunter Charitable Foundation! Here are some of the highlights from our 2022 funding program:

We celebrated the 2nd Indigenous Artist Award in collaboration with the Toronto Arts Council.

Supported LGBTQIA rights through Dignity Network, Rainbow Railroad, and the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

Collaborated with Fred Victor Centre, the Salvation Army, the United way, and other shelters throughout the GTA to lessen poverty and homelessness.

Provided support to Sick Kids Foundation’s efforts to address racism and homophobia in hospitals.

Funded numerous Dance, Theatre, and Visual Arts programing throughout Ontario. Including new collaborations that support Indigenous women artists and provide Indigenous and LGBTQIA artists with residency opportunities.

We also supported several environmental organizations – Ecojustice, Ontario Nature, and BECO bird conservation – who work to protect habitat, change laws to fight encroachment of development and support species protection. Our focus this year was Bumblebees and pollinators, turtle species, and bird conservation.

Looking forward, we will remain dedicated to supporting artists and arts organizations in Ontario, work to end homelessness, poverty, and food security in the GTA, and continue our ongoing support of the Wildlands League, the Wildlife Conservation Society, and Wildlife Preservation Canada.

Be sure to check our website for information and updates about our 2023 funding initiatives!