Our Portfolios

Our Portfolios

We are committed to supporting organizations in social services, the arts, the LGBTQ community, homeless and disadvantaged youth, indigenous voices, women, and environmental issues. We only support organizations based in Ontario, Canada with the exception of the AIDS in Africa relief program.

Arts & Culture Grants
Within the cultural section of the foundation, we support organizations that reflect the disciplines of  Visual Art, Music, Dance, Literature, Film and Video and Theatre. 

Social Grants
The KM Hunter Foundation is committed to supporting a number of smaller institutions where our grants can have a larger impact.

Environmental Grants
Within the Environmental portfolio, we support three areas: Protection of wildlife species, stewardship of the land, and organizations that fight to change the laws so that environmental areas can be protected. All organizations must be based in Ontario.

International Development and Relief
We have a small International development section in our Social Services portfolio that goes to AIDS Relief in Africa as well as advocating for LGBTQIA2SS+ rights around the world.