Our Environment Matters

Photo above: Ecojustice.

We believe that caring for the environment is everyone responsibility which is why we have a specific portfolio that supports environmental organizations such as Ontario Nature, BECO bird conservation and Ecojustice, Canada’s largest environmental law charity. From coast to coast to coast, they have a proven history of winning key cases and securing environmental protections.

Ecojustice started as the Sierra Legal Defence Fund back in 1990 as a direct response to the Exxon Valdez disaster which at the time was the world’s worst oil spill. What began as two determined people working out of the back of a car, is now a leading Canadian charity led by lawyers, scientists, and subject matter experts.

For more than 30 years, Ecojustice lawyers have represented people like you at every level of court— free of charge. Today, Ecojustice has 80+ staff working to save the only planet. Their mission is to use the law to defend nature, combat the climate crisis, and fight for a healthy environment and to achieve this, Ecojustice does three things:

They go to court. Their lawyers represent citizens, environmental organizations, First Nations, sustainable businesses, labour organizations, and any other groups that share our mission.

They push for better laws.
Their experts testify in front of committees and make recommendations to strengthen environmental legislation.

They engage the public.
Their work highlights environmental issues and changes the conversation, forcing our leaders to sit up and listen.

Read more about the impactful work of Ecojustice.