Wildlands League: Ontario Initiatives Aimed At Preserving Beluga Whales

This year the K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation will be supporting some of Wildlands League marine initiatives which will protect one of Canada’s most biodiverse areas.

Known as Weeneebayko in Cree or as Southern Hudson Bay and James Bay. This area has extremely fertile waters containing a rich diversity of invertebrates and it’s home to over 170 species of geese, ducks & shorebirds, the most southern population of polar bears in the world, over 10,000 beluga whales and walruses; and conserving the area would also make a contribution to climate by helping to safeguard blue carbon.

Working with Indigenous Nations in the Mushkegowuk region, ENGOs, and the federal government to establish a National Marine Conservation Area here is globally significant and will help Canada reach its 30% by 2030 protection target in Canada’s ocean.

For more information or make a donation to the Wildlands League, click here.