Wildlife Conservation Society Canada Responds to COVID

It’s not easy navigating through the new normal. It’s particularly tough for charities and NGO’s as the donations of money, time and interest have been replaced much uncertainty. But it’s not all true, for all charities, many our taking up the challenge and finding ways of continuing and adapting their work to meet our changing times. 

The Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCSC) has been saving wildlife and wild places in Canada through science, conservation action and by inspiring people to value nature. Their latest endeavours include sensation by a presentation by Dr. Chris Walzer which asks us to rethink our relationships with wild animals & places. 

COVID-19 and Zoonotic Disease for Canada

WCSC is also producing and adapting information related to COVID-19 and zoonotic disease for Canada which they regularly update on their website at https://www.wcscanada.org

The boreal forest (outlined in green) stretches across northern Canada and is one of the areas with the highest ecological integrity in the world.

Northern Peatlands in Canada

WCSC has created a story map that’ll take you on a journey through the northern peatlands of Canada and explain why they are so important for both climate and biodiversity.

Through maps, photos and infographics, they will demonstrate why we need to understand and protect one of the world’s largest carbon sinks. View the story map here.

Our “How Local NGO’s are responding to COVID” series produced by K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation in association with the incredible charities we support.