Wildlife Preservation Canada

The K.M. Hunter Foundation is grateful for the work of Wildlife Preservation Canada, saving animal species at risk from extinction. They specialize in science-based techniques such as conservation breeding and release, reintroduction and translocation. As the only organization in Canada to provide this critical service, they do so for multiple species in multiple recovery efforts across the country. They work in collaboration with appointed recovery teams, federal and provincial ministries and parks, habitat-oriented charities and land trusts, zoos, universities, colleges and local grassroots volunteer groups. 

“The wetlands along Lake Erie’s shoreline hold some of Canada’s most threatened species, and without the support of the K.M. Hunter Foundation, many of the endangered turtle species would continue to decline at drastic rates, possibly to the point of no return. Since funding began for the turtle headstarting program, we’ve continued to break annual records for the amount of turtle hatchings that we’ve saved from predation and other environmental threats. For turtle species that take 15-20 years to reach sexual maturity, this type of jump-start at rebuilding the wild population will have a lasting impact for decades to come.” –Sarah Matheson, Wildlife Preservation Canada.

To make a direct donation to their work or find out more, click here.